Words of Appreciation
“Thank you for helping to make our “Fine Fiddling and Fancy Footwork” program last Wednesday evening such an enjoyable program. You two are very talented performers!”
Florence Smith, Lead Educator for Adult Programs, Strong Museum, Rochester, NY
“Thank you for taking the time to offer our Chittick students a wonderful experience to experiment with the arts. I thoroughly enjoyed your small group workshops and our final assembly. Your skills with our students were excellent and they responded positively because of your warm approach.”
Dr. R. Wiener, Principal, East Brunswick (NJ) Public Schools
“I liked the part about the immigrants. The songs and instruments are so interesting.”
Jacob Middleton, 10, Greenfield Center (NY) Elementary School
“They let the music come to you so you can grasp it yourself. It’s neat!”
Joseph Rosa, 11, Greenfield Center (NY) Elementary School
“The experience was meant to be educational as well as fun for the students, and it succeeded on both counts. The students’ enthusiasm was truly contagious!”
Kensington Road School Newsletter (Glens Falls, NY)